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College Counseling
for 10th Graders

Hands-on help to reach your goals

We help sophomores begin to plan for the college admissions process and provide hands-on guidance to help them understand their college aspirations and how best to achieve them.

By developing strong personal relationships, our admissions counselors coach students and their families to reach for goals that will promote the best high school experience and maximize their eventual college admissions results.

10th Grade Services

We work with students on all aspects of the college preparation, application, and admissions process to provide them the best possible opportunities.

Students working with us sophomore year can expect:

  • A strategic plan that aligns extracurricular and academic development to maximize results;
  • Help identifying and addressing weaknesses in their academic and extracurricular profiles;
  • A college list reflective of their academic and personal goals, as well as schools’ unique personalities;
  • A comprehensive standardized testing plan, including which test(s) to take, when to take them, and how to prepare;
  • Guidance determining their future college major through interest exploration;
  • Advice on high school course selection;
  • Support finding and applying to internships and competitive summer opportunities;
  • Ideas to stimulate their curiosity and increase their potential year-round;
  • Advice on time management, study skills, learning strategies, and self-advocacy to reach their full academic potential.
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Smiling teen boy of Asian descent holding molecular model in classroom

The Spark Advantage

In addition to our grade-specific services, all students who work with Spark Admissions college consultants receive:

  • Clear goals and a roadmap for getting into their top-choice colleges;
  • A personalized, multi-year strategy for maximizing their admissions potential;
  • Help honing academic and extracurricular strengths;
  • Advice on intellectual enrichment, study skills, and academic improvement;
  • Guidance on application and essay development to ultimately submit stellar college applications;
  • A long-term relationship with a counselor who is dedicated to helping students meet their fullest potential and is readily available to answer questions.
Smiling teen boy of Asian descent holding molecular model in classroom

Flexible pricing to fit your needs

We offer four comprehensive college preparation and application packages for 10th-grade families. We’ll recommend the package that’s right for you during our initial consultation, and then we’ll work together to determine how to use your hours to help your child achieve their goals.

Success Stories

Families who begin working with Spark Admissions in 10th grade are able to tackle the college admissions process with knowledge, experience, and extensive preparation.


Beth came to Spark Admissions as a smart, hardworking sophomore struggling to reach her academic potential.

She spent up to six hours a night on homework, but barely maintained a B average. Nevertheless, she was determined to attend her top-choice school, Boston College.

We immediately recognized that Beth’s track record didn’t align with her effort and recommended neuropsychology testing. The results revealed she had a learning difference exacerbated by anxiety.

What We Did

Beth’s Spark Admissions counselor:

  • Helped her qualify for learning difference accommodations at school, including extra time on tests;
  • Honed her study skills and helped her thrive academically, transitioning from a 3.1 GPA to a 3.95 GPA during the remainder of her time in high school;
  • Increased her SAT score 300 points via tutoring and study skills coaching;
  • Helped her discover and develop her passion for writing;
  • Identified opportunities to hone that interest as editor-in-chief of her high school newspaper and via a summer writing program and internship at a local newspaper;
  • Guided her through every step of the admissions process, including crafting exceptional college applications.

Admissions Result

Beth was accepted Early Decision to Boston College, her top-choice school.

*Student’s name changed for privacy


Charlie came to Spark Admissions as a highly intelligent sophomore attending a top private school. Charlie had diverse academic and extracurricular interests.

His two older siblings had already worked with us to gain acceptance to their top-choice schools. Charlie’s parents sought our admissions expertise to help him do the same.

Charlie was already doing well in high school, but we knew his scattered interests would make it difficult for him to shine in the competitive college admissions process.

What We Did

Charlie’s Spark Admissions counselor:

  • Channeled his interests into two key areas—mathematics and journalism—and recommended how to deeply pursue them year-round;
  • Counseled him on high school class selection and other academic avenues to stand out from his peers;
  • Identified opportunities to develop his leadership skills and eventually become editor-in-chief of his school newspaper and president of the math team;
  • Suggested unique volunteer opportunities where he could give back in a dynamic way;
  • Helped him create stellar applications featuring excerpts from his award-winning journalism work.

Admissions Result

Charlie was accepted to Dartmouth College, Amherst College, Washington University in St. Louis, and several other selective colleges.

*Student’s name changed for privacy

Smiling high school girl of Indian descent wearing graduation cap and gown with classmates in background

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Smiling teen girl of Indian descent sitting on stairs inside school

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