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Dr. Kelly Whitford

Senior Admissions Consultant

As a Senior Admissions Consultant, Dr. Whitford helps students find, apply to, and gain acceptance to their top choice colleges, universities, and private schools.

Relying on her previous experience as a college professor, academic advisor, and writing coach, Dr. Whitford guides students to craft authentic personal narratives and present their best selves through the college admissions process. Dr. Whitford also mentors students in finding unique opportunities, through which they can discover and explore their personal passions.

Before joining Spark Admissions, Dr. Whitford taught at Brown University, Wheaton College (MA), and the Rhode Island School of Design, where she specialized in teaching writing-intensive courses. She also served as a writing coach for high school students, undergraduates, and graduate students. As a Peace Corps volunteer, she taught high school English for two years in Benin, West Africa, and has extensive experience working with students for whom English is not a first language.

Dr. Whitford holds a doctorate from Brown University in the History of Art & Architecture and a bachelor’s degree from Carleton College. She lives in Providence, Rhode Island with her husband, their daughter, and their two pugs, Giles and George.

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